
Mata De Monte

DryTown Vodka & Gin

Crafted American Spirits of Ft. Collins Colorado


The Spirit of San Miguel de Allende

A completely new spirit that is not just another tequila, mezcal, vodka, rum, whiskey or cordial.

Introducing MATA DE MONTE, a 100% agave salmiana distillate from Casa Agave distillers. Mata de Monte is unique direct from the still. It is naturally distilled to 29%, at which point it reaches its perfect flavor. The light notes create a refreshing spirit; a smooth, light and flavorful experience. Mata de Monte is also very diverse, perfect straight up, mixed with your favorite mixers. Mixed with Mexico’s exotic wild teas will only expand your frontiers.


Our design approach


We started with history and provenance. “The spirit of San Miguel de Allende” and the surrounding lands of Guanajuato. We had deep dives from the farm itself “Cañada de Virgin” which is graced by a 1500 year old pyramid built for the original peoples for astronomy and study the stars. The team spent weeks identifying the signs, signals and colors of San Miguel de Allende. A richer source of inspiration could not have existed.


A critical element

Casa Agave’s commitment goes far beyond just being responsible manufacturers but dedicated to the regeneration of the Earth, sky, water and wildlife. Mata de Monte puts far more back than it takes. Casa Agave has restored the desert land of the agave farm and beyond. Today thousands of hectares have been restored to being a semi-desert with innovative irrigation systems, new plant life and abounding wildlife.

Over the decades the once plentiful Mexican Puma had left the area as they were no longer able to exist with depleting resources. TODAY THE PUMAS ARE BACK and thriving on the regenerated land. The Puma has become our brand’s icon as she sums up all that Mata de Monte is.


A brand with purpose
Casa Agave’s unique approach to planting, harvesting and distilling is environmentally regenerative, doing far more against climate change globally.



Having only launched in Cabo Frio Mexico in March 2024. Already shipping, Casa Agave has been met with tremendous optimism from the trade. Mata de Monte has also received some of the most coveted awards.

“The International Spirits Competition” – awarded “Double Gold” two years in a row and “Best in Category” 2024